Get ready to embark on a hilarious and heartwarming holiday adventure with “Santa’s Lost Reindeer.” This enchanting Christmas book is the perfect addition to your festive reading list, promising laughter, joy, and a touch of magic that will warm your...
The Traditional Christmas Carol Collection The Christmas Carols were collected from the public domain and were compiled as such. IN THIS BOOK, YOU WILL FIND THE FOLLOWING: ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH AWAY IN A MANGER DECK THE HALLS GOD BLESS YOU, MERRY GENTLEMEN, And...
Cooking at Christmas time either brings joyful thoughts or thoughts of dread. Maybe it’s a combination. We all love the food at Christmas and the smells wafting through the house. But, it also puts a lot of pressure on whoever is the main cook of the house. Most of...
It’s that season of year again – time to get your home prepared for Christmas. Decorating can overpower in the event that you don’t know where to begin. This digital book will give you 51 awesome Christmas decor ideas. A large portion of these ideas...