Our Father, Father, it is good to give thanks to you O Lord, to sing praises to your name. It is good to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night, How great are your works, O Lord. You have made us glad through the beauty of your...
Pope Francis suggested the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus may be nature’s response to climate change in comments in an email interview with Commonweal Magazine’s Austen Ivereigh published Wednesday. The interview was conducted in Spanish and translated by Ivereigh into...
The traditional Christian attitude toward human personality was that human nature was essentially good and that it was formed and modified by social pressures and training.- Carroll Quigley“Let us pray today for people who during this time of the pandemic, trade at...
O Beloved God, Salutations and Greetings! I approach you as your child and your own creation. With a pure heart I ask for your divine grace. Please shower on me abundance of money from your infinite source on a regular basis. Your ways are innumerable and methods...
Dear Lord, I come before you, just as I am now. I surrender my entire self before you my God. I accept you as my Guide, Saviour and Healer. O lord, please take charge of my life and affairs. Please heal me, change me, and strengthen my body, mind and soul. O kind one,...